Monday 20 May 2013

Heey It's Fran Here:D
Im posting this from school secretly so if this post looks really bad and really rushed, dont blame me :p
Just posting because I wanna talk to you about the movies Roxy and I currently have out on MSP. I have a new series out called The Online Predator (Cyberbully). I hope this series will be a success as I feel it has a message which needs to be seen. Cyberbullying is a very vicious crime and I hope I can raise awareness of it through this movie. Cyberbullying is a huge crime in todays modern society, with 1 in 3 teens being targeted online. The affects not only on the victim but also on the friends and family of the victim, seeing their loved one suffer must be so gruelling. In todays modern society, almost everyone has a peice of electronic equipment which they can be Cyberbullied through.
So far parts 1&2 are out and I will release more parts later today. Please take a few minutes of your time to watch these movies, I can guarantee you it will be worth it.

Who here has seen roxy-1's new series? I sure have and it absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G I'm hooked! So interesting and entertaining, and extremely well made, people that dont watch are sure to really miss out on a legendary series! I highly reccommend them to you and to everybody.
This weeks competiton is really good in my opinion, Roxy has even made a movie to go with it! The special effects on the movie are exquisite and extremely well thought out and put into action, and it has definately changed my opinion of MSP movies forever. Please watch these movies by Roxy as she spends a lot of time and care making them and they're must-sees!

-Fran c;


  1. Lmaoo the pic down the side with - anna - was when i was on her acc:3


  2. OMG I love Roxy's Nightmare Bride series, it's so cool!
    Georgie x (sunnydays18)
